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snippet: Contains Rapid Assessment Mapping (RAM) and Other RAM Point (ORP) spatial data.
summary: Contains Rapid Assessment Mapping (RAM) and Other RAM Point (ORP) spatial data.
extent: [[-105.382065402263,39.8658185973286],[-105.112752415405,40.1724004934368]]
accessInformation: OSMP - Charlie Philbrick and Jake Cseke, GIS Analysts; OSMP - Eric Failrlee; OSMP - Laurie Deiter
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
maxScale: 1.7976931348623157E308
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Non editable feature service for use as background layer to be consumed by Collector and other clients. Data is drawn from the RAM_Pt SDE feature class. RAM data consists of a full inventory of a particular area, while ORP data are collected as the field staff spots the occurrences. You can determine what type of data features are and what year they were collected in by looking at the 'Project' column. RAM is rapid assessment mapping for IPM species while performing a complete inventory of an area or OSMP property. ORP data are collected using RAM methods, except that complete inventories were not performed. Each point represents the center point of the plants for each species and the size of the area covered by the species. Generalized, circular polygons can be created using the "Buffer_ft" field. Data are upated annually.
title: RAMPt
type: Map Service
tags: ["OSMP","IPM","RAM","ORP","Invasive","Invasive Species","transects","photo monitoring"]
culture: en-US
name: RAMPt
guid: D3B371C2-655A-4AF9-8E50-083637675722
minScale: 0
spatialReference: NAD_1983_HARN_StatePlane_Colorado_North_FIPS_0501_Feet