Description: These data represent OSMP's designated trails. All trails in this dataset are also managed by OSMP, even though some trails are actually owned by other agencies. Some trails are considered sensitive and are not displayed to the public. Use the 'Display' field to show or not show these trails; Display = 'Yes' will only display those trails that are okay to show to the public. Archived data exist and can be queried out using the 'DateFrom' and 'DateTo' fields. To show only those trails that are currently designated and to remove the network connectors (which are not real trails), use the following definition query: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP between DateFrom and DateTo and Name <> 'Network Connector Segment'
Description: Displays roads in the Flagstaff Summit area where OSMP has implemented seasonal dog regulations. Unlike the trail dog regulations, these data are not linear referenced.
Description: Trails data from public agencies which own or manage trails data within or adjacent to Boulder County. The feature class contains recreation trails. It includes non-recreational trail segments when they provide connections within or between recreational trails.
Copyright Text: Boulder County Parks and Open Space
Description: Dog regulation areas on OSMP land mandated by city council approval of 8-3-3 ordinance. This also includes OSMP owned parcels within the City of Boulder that are excepted (by city council approval of 6-1-16 ordinance) from the mandated leash required restriction.